Updates about the Conference Program will be found here.
Please note Conference days are: June 11, 12, 13
Doctoral Consortium and Welcome Reception: June 10.
You will be expected to present your accepted work during your allocated session. The presentation should be supported by slides and we ask you to please upload them on a USB drive as you will not be able to connect your own laptop.
Presentation slots for Full Papers are 30 minutes long. We recommend a presentation time of 15 minutes max. to leave time for discussion. The session Chair will read your paper in advance and moderate the session.
To make the most of your presentation time we invite you to read the following short article: https://ifera.org/less-is-more-nail-your-conference-presentation/
WIP sessions are roundtable discussions. The slot for each paper is 20 minutes. Each author briefly presents their work (5 minutes, max 5 slides) and use 15 minutes for a developmental discussion. Both Chairs and all authors participating in the session must read all the WIP in advance and actively contribute to the discussion